By far the earliest memory I have of music was in preschool. I went to this really small preschool called The Little Red Schoolhouse in Florida. We were a very wild group of kids and when nap time rolled around, it was a nightmare. The teachers couldn’t calm us down even hours after trying. One day, one of the staff showed up with a bulky radio. When nap time rolled around, she plugged it in and got the tunes rolling. I don’t remember any of the names of the songs, but they weren’t nursery songs. More like slow breathy love songs. That’s the best way I can describe it. A guy would sing some deep heartfelt line and in her high voice, the female would respond. It’s a very distant memory but sometimes when I hear something similar it takes me straight back. I don’t even know what genre of music it fits under, but I do know that was probably my first recollection I have of music. Other early memories I have are when I would jam with my grandma. In particular, the song “Glamorous” ...