
(Left to Right: Luke, Kayleigh, Sam, Me, Leah, Katelyn)

This is a picture of a whole bunch of fake people, except me. 

This past summer, I went on a volunteer trip thing in Charleston West Virginia. Charleston is located in Kanawha county; the pronunciation is still up in the air. Anyhow, we were volunteering to help build stuff for people. Some painted homes, some built decks, some did siding, and I tore down a room then started to rebuild it. Helping these different families in need was fulfilling but boy was it hard work. We arrived at our family’s houses at 7 every morning and left around 5, or later. On the last day, I was there until 8:30. We labored away in the blistering July sun all day. Working on the roof in my stylish overalls didn’t help the situation. Nevertheless, we persevered through the week of calorie-burning work.
When it was finally time to return back to the shelter, it didn’t seem to get much better. Us and three other groups had set up camp in a huge gym of a church. That meant messes. So, after we finished our meal, usually cold because of our late return, it was time for the chores. Bathroom duty was the worst by far, but dishes and mopping mess hall weren’t much better. One night we had a chore-free night which was a score. After our chores were finished for the day, we got to clean ourselves up in the shower; the shower outside consisting of a curtain and a hose. In between showers and bedtime was free time/social hour. That was nice. But then bedtime rolled around. I only packed a sad sleeping bag. Talk about back pain.
This trip did have some redeeming qualities, I guess. On this trip, I was thrown into a group of people that I didn’t know so it was fun throughout the week to grow closer to them. I didn’t know anyone in my workgroup before the trip, but by the end, I knew I couldn’t have asked for a better group. They helped make the unbearable work bearable. I didn’t know any of the people in the picture above before this trip either. Turns out their pretty great. During our free time, I would play various stupid games and joke around with them. In this particular picture, we convinced some of the adults to drive the van to a small ice cream place during one of our free times. 
I guess it wasn’t all bad. During our many breaks at the worksite, we would come down from the roof and talk with the family. They were such a nice couple who had so much love and hope in their hearts. We learned through talking with them that this renovated room was for their daughter and granddaughter who had fallen into a tough situation. They had such a genuine heart and I felt honored to help them out. Maybe the people in the picture weren’t fake. Maybe I’m just pessimistic.


  1. This trip sounds like so much fun! These types of trips are, like you said, great ways to meet new people, because there's no better way to get to know someone than working in the hot sun for hours on end with them. I'm glad you had a good time, even if it didn't seem like the best use of your time. I'm sure the family really appreciated your work.

  2. It was nice to see the buildup of character that you experienced through this trip, from your description of the picture to the optimistic ending paragraph. Being forced with a new group of people is sometimes nerve-wracking, but its very rewarding to see yourself warming up to them and see themselves warming up to you after a while.

  3. I think the self reflection you show throughout the blog post proves you are not a pessimist. But it is easy to get lost in a negative train of thought and only see the bad things.

  4. This post was really, really fun. You establish a nice sense of build-up, really.

    In particular, I like how you described the tough work, and went up to a sense of hope in your last paragraph. Also, it could have gone wrong, but the 'pessimistic' tone you adopt here works really well. You wear it well-- pessimism on the surface, but a beating heart underneath. This post worked well.

  5. I LOVE the picture of y'all. Your look is so classic. Anyways, the picture encompasses your feelings, and as such I think it was a natural thing to include in your post, given that the trip honestly sounded terribly bad. It was not a vacation, more like a work party.

  6. I like how at first I was expecting a post where you were going to complain about the trip, but I was I enjoyed the twist and how it ended up with you by optimistic. The way you describe the trip was enjoyable and I love the picture! :)


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