Thanks Isaac

I had just started 3rd grade after a long summer break. I was starting to get comfortable with waking up at 7 every morning and sitting in a boring classroom until 3 then being free on the weekends. That is until my mother picked me up from school on the second Friday of the school year.
“Surprise!” she said, “We’re going to Disney!”
We packed our bags and drove down Saturday. I was excited. It was mom, sister, me, and a cousin that lives near us. We started the gruesome drive on Saturday morning and finally reached our destination on Sunday afternoon. There, we met up with Granny and another cousin that lives in Florida near her. Us 6 girls in two hotels room provided for a crazy Sunday afternoon. One moment we would be screeching at each other, the next we would be laughing together. It was fun, but it had to end at a relatively early time because we had a huge week ahead of us.
The next morning everyone was up bright and early. We quickly got ready and by the time we reached the park, it had just opened its gates. Hordes of people were already flooding in. Since it was still summer, the summer vacation crowds were still there. Luckily for us, we purchased fast passes meaning we were zooming to the front of lines, but unfortunately a lot of people also had fast passes so there were still lines. Besides that, the first day was great. However, when we returned to the hotel room, the news popped on. We had been tracking a hurricane, Hurricane Isaac, but it originally wasn't supposed to make landfall. Sadly, it changed course and was now headed straight towards Disney. It was time to pack up.
We drove to Northeast Florida where my grandma lived to wait it out. For the next couple of days, we sat watching the news. Luckily, the hurricane changed course again and ended up going even farther east than where we were. This meant Disney was still in one piece. The following week, we returned to Disney and to be honest, Isaac was a blessing in disguise. The park was almost empty. The crowds were gone, the lines were short, and it was perfect. The rest of our trip went very smooth and after a week of fun, it was time to return home. The drive back seemed even longer than the drive there and once I returned to school, I quickly realized the high from Disney made school seem extra boring. Waking up early to go to Disney is a lot easier than waking up early to go to school. Plus, I had missed two weeks of school, so I also had a lot of cheesy math sheet homework to catch up on. It was a very rude awaking from the Disney dream I was just living in. All in all, I am thankful for the out of the ordinary vacation experience that I can retell to all my loyal readers.


  1. I'm honored to be considered one of your loyal readers. This was really interesting and its great you didn't have to wait in long lines afterwards because they take so longggg.

  2. My parents only ever "surprised" me with doctor appointments and visits to the dentist when I was younger :( It's cool that you got to go to Disney, and I'm glad you enjoyed your time and didn't have to wait in the long lines!!

  3. My parents and I never went to Disney as we hear the lines are terribly long. I guess this is one of the very few instances where a hurricane actually helps you. Also, driving back home and immediately going back to school must have sucked.


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