I have this dog
named Daisy. She is a big bloodhound with an over energetic personality. We got
her when she was one a few years ago from a shelter in Chicago. She was
originally from Kentucky and already a mom to two puppies. The puppies had been
adopted so it was just her. I’m glad it was only her because I couldn’t have
dealt with three Daisy’s. She is way too energetic.
The first day we
brought her home, she attacked my other dog. It was scary and we seriously
regretted getting her. She also had this stomach problem which caused her to
throw up everywhere all the time. At first, we thought it was the food but after
taking her to the vet, we learned she had three stomach viruses. Gross. The problems
kept piling up, but no one wanted to take her back.
Time went on and
her behavior improved. She still behaves poorly, but it’s far better than when
we got her. One thing we very quickly noticed is she gets very jealous.
Whenever we even call the other dogs name, she comes running over seeking attention.
If we’re petting the other dog, she will step over him and put her head under
your hand. In addition to jealousy, if one isn’t petting her like she wants,
she will start howling at them. It’s not a cute little awoo, it’s a nonstop loud
obnoxious howl that probably wakes the whole neighborhood. I still love her but
boy is that exhausting.
As we got to know
her better and noticed funky things that she does. One thing she does is eat
all our houseplants. If we don’t lock them away, she will eat the entire thing
and then throw it up somewhere. It obviously makes her tummy upset so I don’t know
why she does it but it’s really funny if I’m not cleaning it. Another funny
thing she does is lick everything. She licks the floor, the carpet, towels,
people, herself, windows, walls, etc. I guess she is just a fan of the taste of
everything. I can’t complain too much because are floors are always clean. The
final quirk I wanted to point out is how she likes to play with toys by
herself. She has these little rag doll with squeaky toys inside that she likes
to play with. She’ll like shake it in her mouth and let it go and it goes
flying. She then precedes to “hunt” it down.
I WANT YOUR DOG SO BAD! Daisy sounds so energetic, and thats one trait I love in dogs. My cousins have a sheep dog, which is very energetic and playful